Thursday, December 29, 2011

sitting in the light, bones and all

Here I am, sitting in the light. 

Recently someone said I was looking voluptuous. I think maybe that photograph lied a little bit. Yes, I am no longer the starving skeleton I was at Halloween when I roamed the streets of Oakland. But you can still see my bones.

It's not like Nice Lady doesn't feed me. One of my main jobs is to eat. I eat chicken everyday and Dr. Schulze's Superfood is added in my food bowl. I devour bully sticks and jerky sticks, peanut butter kongs and dog biscuits. The skinniness, I think it's the one who knocked on my door, walked into my body and made itself at home, the one who likes to build lumps and drink me up.

What I want you to know is I love you. All of you. Thank you for your love and well wishes. That is my real food.

And that it's really all okay. I am so happy. I am so satisfied. I am sitting in the light, bones and all.


  1. Sweet Birdy, you are beautiful, bones showing or not. I'm sorry for the one who has tried to set up shop inside your skin but if love will cure you, you will be the healthiest pibble baby around! My pack and I are sending you loving, healthy thoughts. Bless your new momma "nice lady" for everything she is doing for you.

  2. pesky ribs aside, that is one gorgeous photo, Birdy!! :)

  3. i luv u sweet Birdy <3 You and Nice Lady r so lucky to have each other and we ALL are lucky to witness your journey together :)

    Shannon :)

  4. You sweet girl! Bones are bones and you are beautiful. God bless you and Nice Lady.

  5. Dear Birdy, we love you too! You have shown all of us that no matter what live throws at us or how down we may be, that we have to look on the bright side because there is always someone out there who is going to love us and take care of us. Keep eating Birdy, you deserve it!
